Hitlist No.1

This post is just short and sweet.  If you want to know a bit more about my reasons behind starting the Exercise Hitlist and haven’t read my previous posts, have a look at this post and this.

Well, without overthinking things or making it all too difficult here is my first public exercise hitlist………


Hitlist No.1




8 thoughts on “Hitlist No.1

  1. […] It has currently been all about school holidays at my place these last couple of weeks. Now, I am not one of those mums who love school holidays and quite frankly, school holidays scare the crap out of me.  Can you imagine what four young boys can do to a house in a few short hours?? How much whinging and fighting and how many times they state, ‘There’s nothing to eeeeat!’  ‘There’s nothing to dooooo’.  And these holidays were even scarier.  Due to a recent move to WA from the east coast and a FIFO lifestyle, there was no husband coming home to save me from them, to untie me if necessary from where the kids managed to tie me to a chair, or to bring me chocolate on the way home so I could have a complete emotional binge eating session.  There were no visits to Grammy and Grunda, or to my sister’s place on the Blue Sky farm.  How was I going to survive?  I just had to suck it up and plan like I had never planned before.  These school holidays were planned with military precision.  We would enjoy them or die trying.  Ok, ok, a little dramatic but you get the picture.  For my holidays to work I had to keep them busy and tire them out so they would be happy to enjoy the quiet days.  Enter Lesmurdie Falls item on Hitlist No.1. […]


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